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    Small Standalone Retail

    GLA: ~1,000 - 8,000 SF per tenant Trade Area: ~ ¼ - 2 miles (unless part of a larger center) Number of Tenants: 1 - 3 tenants
    • Typically composed of a small retail box on a single lot
    • Also considered pad retail, typically an outboard or as a component of a larger shopping center
    • Located along commercial corridors in proximity to larger shopping center types

      Likely strategies:



    CDC Farm and Fishery

    View Case Study

    First of its kind

    When CDC originally purchased the property in 2012, it was with the intent of creating a laundromat, however due to the weight of the machinery that was not an option.

    Building off their culinary roots the team began looking into water-based food growing solutions and identified hydroponics as a viable solution for the retail space. Being the first aquaponics operation in the city of Detroit they had to work closely with the city and planning commission on zoning and permitting. Ultimately, they were granted a special use land permit authorized under the city’s recently added Urban Agricultural Ordinance.

    Since it’s conception in 2013, the CSC Farm and Fishery has inspired other hydroponic farming operations throughout the area and created a new line of work for employment.