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    Branch Avenue Fast Facts

    Not every retail corridor is the same, but all retail corridors have a story to tell. Branch
    Avenue and the surrounding area is poised to welcome retail revitalization as
    understood by these facts.

    • Nearly 10,000 new housing units to bring $766M of new retail spending

      The residential development pipeline in the area, consisting of single and multi-family, will change the market.

    • $30M of spending leakage for full-service restaurants

      While there is a large amount of existing retail and quick service restaurants, there needs to be higher quality retail and full-service restaurants for which there is demand, particularly south of the Beltway.

    • The number of higher-income households with incomes over $100k grew 269% in the last 12 years

      In 2010, there were 8,400 households earning more than $100k per year. From 2010-2022, the number increased to 31,000 households. In the next five years, it will grow to 36,000 households.

    • 66% of properties were built before 1940

      Recent county-wide zoning amendments enable streamlined reinvestment, more development flexibility, and by-right uses.

    • The corridor is regionally accessible by two Metro stations and seven local bus routes

      The county offers robust local and regional connectivity, a key component for thriving multi-purpose districts.

    • The county is here to help!

      The county can offer assistance in nuanced investment opportunities within Branch Avenue's distinctive submarkets.

    Demographic and Market Assessments

    Demographic Trends

    As of 2022, nearly 200k people are living within the Branch Avenue corridor, and the population is anticipated to grow by 4% over the next five years.

    Areas with new housing developments near Branch Avenue Metro Station reach a median HHI of $103k, demonstrating the ability of new residential development to attract higher household incomes. With a robust residential development pipeline, the shifting future demographics provide an intriguing opportunity for retail.

    Retail Market Assessment

    Branch Avenue is experiencing an influx in residential development that will shift future retail demographics.

    This new consumer audience will require improved retail offerings, notably better sit-down restaurants. Dive deeper into our retail market assessment by downloading the full report below.

    Multifamily Market Assessment

    The residential market in this area is healthy, as demonstrated by the single-family home development pipeline.

    However, there needs to be more quality multifamily rental options. The areas north of Branch Avenue, especially around the two Metro stations, represent ideal opportunities to fill that void and take advantage of a strong residential market. Download our report below to uncover an analysis of the assessment.

    Office & Medical Market Assessment

    While traditional office development is not recommended, except for attracting a federal government tenant similar to USCIS looking for a new headquarters in a more affordable location than Washington, DC, or Northern Virginia, there is an opportunity for medical office space. In addition, the expansion of senior housing creates a need for additional medical office space.

    Hospitality Market Assessment

    The existing hotel supply is predominately clustered around Joint Base Andrews and is designed to serve visiting military personnel and their families.

    With the expansion of the MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center there is an opportunity to build a new hotel that serves the medical campus. In addition, the data indicates that there is further opportunity to replace or upgrade hotel space that is currently in the market. Download the full report to review the analytics.

    Industrial Market Assessment

    The increased reliance on e-commerce throughout the pandemic has spurred a nationwide need for centers that can fulfill “last mile” distribution, referring to warehouses that can fulfill the final leg of the journey to the consumer. The lack of available inventory has spurred a healthy development pipeline for Branch Avenue. However, there is still opportunity in certain pockets to serve specific use cases, especially given the influx in residential development.

    Culture, Arts & Entertainment

    Existing entertainment venues in the Branch Avenue corridor could be more extensive.

    National Harbor is widely recognized as a destination, and its proximity to the area makes it difficult for another large-scale entertainment venue to be successful. However, with the influx of residential developments, there is a strong need for more neighborhood-oriented entertainment and recreational options for new residents.

    Food Incubators

    There is a unique opportunity to build health and wealth along Branch Avenue by promoting local food products and entrepreneurs.

    There is a unique opportunity to build health and wealth along Branch Avenue by promoting local food products and entrepreneurs.

    Pilot Sites

    Revitalization requires balancing market, site, and regulatory opportunities and constraints. To offer inspiration, the County engaged Streetsense to develop various revitalization concepts for five privately-owned locations. We hope you explore these concepts and are inspired to identify what additional opportunities exist. These concepts are only meant for inspiration. They are not actual plans for development.

    • Overview
    • Low-Medium Impact Strategies
    • Long-Term Redevelopment Scenario


    1. AEmpty lot has minimal visibility and access
    2. BTopography and elevation changes
    3. CLimited pedestrian access from the Metro station
    4. DSparse sightlines from Branch Avenue


    1. AProximity to Metro and Suitland Pkwy
    2. BExisting roller rink is a local landmark
    3. CExisting vacant lot could see additional development
    1. 1REPROGRAM: Paint mural: adds color and personality to the building, may be visible from Metro
    2. 2RENOVATE: Modernize building exterior: lighting, flat roof, covered walkway
    3. 3RENOVATE: Plant trees and add green space to the parking lot to break up asphalt; re-pave
    4. 4RENOVATE: Install modern signage to attract vehicular visitors
    5. 5RETROFIT: Improve intersection and better facilitate pedestrian access to Metro
    6. 6RETROFIT: Consider developing an empty lot
    1. 1Multifamily Residential Wrap: Block 1: ±350 units / ±350 parking spaces
    2. 2Multifamily Residential Wrap: Block 2: ±250 unit / ±250 parking spaces
    3. 3Retail: 16,400 GSF / ±80 parking spaces
    4. 4Medical Office: ±40,000 SF / ±80 parking spaces
    5. 5Hotel: ±120 units / ±60 parking spaces
      • *Scenarios are roughly based on what could be accomplished by right – layouts and tabulations represent a mix of industry standards and the development standards found in the Zoning Ordinance. Scenarios are conceptual and are for illustrative purposes only.
    • Overview
    • Low-Medium Impact Strategies
    • Long-Term Redevelopment Scenario


    1. AProperty owner lacks control over an important corner of the site
    2. BLarge parking lot not well occupied
    3. CArea under parking garage and skybridge could benefit from better lighting
    4. DExisting pad site may complicate phasing if redevelopment occurs


    1. ALocated at a major intersection
    2. BSite regarded as a local landmark
    3. CProximity to residential neighborhoods
    4. DDecent visibility and access from Branch Avenue
    5. EPlacemaking opportunities in less functional areas of the parking lot
    1. 1REPROGRAM: Skybridge, additional theming, and lighting
    2. 2REPROGRAM: Expand the sidewalk, add tree buffer, lighting, outdoor seating, and performance space, and traffic calming measures
    3. 3RENOVATE: Modernize building exterior: lighting, flat roof, covered walkway
    4. 4RENOVATE: Plant trees and add green space to the parking lot to break up asphalt; re-pave
    5. 5RENOVATE: Conceal or relocate the existing service area
    6. 6RETROFIT: With new pad site (if redevelopment is expected to occur in 15-20 years)
    7. 7RETROFIT: Remove the existing parking structure and retrofit it as alternative use
    1. 1Multifamily Residential Wrap: Block 1: ±330 units / ±500 parking spaces
    2. 2Multifamily Residential Wrap: Block 2: ±195 units / ±295 parking spaces
    3. 3Garden Apartments: ±288 units (9x buildings) / ±432 parking spaces
    4. 4Townhomes: ±57 units
    5. 5Retail: 24,000 GSF / ±120 parking spaces
      • • *Scenarios are roughly based on what could be accomplished by right – layouts and tabulations represent a mix of industry standards and the development standards found in the Zoning Ordinance. Scenarios are conceptual and are for illustrative purposes only.
    • Overview
    • Low-Medium Impact Strategies
    • Long-Term Redevelopment Scenario


    1. ALacks connectivity to surrounding streets and neighborhoods; doesn’t foster a sense of place
    2. BOpportunity to improve the sense of safety
    3. CGrade changes at Macy’s building entrance
    4. DExisting pad sites may complicate phasing for potential redevelopment
    5. EScarce access to the site from Branch Avenue, the opportunity to develop better pedestrian crossing


    1. AProximity to residential neighborhoods
    2. BGood sightline from Branch Avenue
    3. COpportunities for placemaking at pedestrian ways
    4. DVacant Macy’s could be repurposed or redeveloped
    5. ESite has a cultural identity (i.e., signage)
    1. 1REPROGRAM: Close off access and use for public space intervention; local businesses, ambient lighting, outdoor seating
    2. 2RENOVATE: Plant trees and add green space to the parking lot to break up asphalt; re-pave
    3. 3RENOVATE: Modernize building exterior: lighting, flat roof, covered walkway
    4. 4REPURPOSE: Or renovate existing cinema multiplex
    5. 5REPURPOSE: Re-tenant with temporary retail uses or completely remove, use for public space intervention
    6. 6RETROFIT: Construct a new pad site (if redevelopment is expected to occur in 15-20 years)
    7. 7RETROFIT: Reconfigure the intersection to facilitate easier vehicular and pedestrian access from Branch Avenue
    8. 8RETROFIT: Consider an additional right in/right out intersections
    1. 1Garden Apartments: ±350 units (11x buildings) / ±530 parking spaces
    2. 2Townhomes: 247 units
    3. 3Retail: Grocery: ±25,000 GSF / ±125 parking spaces
    4. 4Retail: Inline Retail and Pads: ±35,000 GSF / ±175 parking spaces
      • *Scenarios are roughly based on what could be accomplished by right – layouts and tabulations represent a mix of industry standards and the development standards found in the Zoning Ordinance. Scenarios are conceptual and are for illustrative purposes only.
    • Overview
    • Low-Medium Impact Strategies
    • Long-Term Redevelopment Scenario


    1. AProject area is made up of several individual parcels, some with unideal configurations
    2. BCS zoning on the northern portion of the site prohibits residential buildings. Rezoning to CGO recommended
    3. CMultiple building types currently exist
    4. DBranch Avenue becomes an elevated highway, making access difficult
    5. EExisting pad sites may complicate phasing for potential redevelopment


    1. ASpaces are configured in a way to introduce public interventions
    2. BDecent visibility from Branch Avenue
    3. COpportunity to define the overall character of Old Branch Avenue/Coventry Way district
    1. 1REPROGRAM: Create public space (outdoor seating/gathering space) to improve placemaking
    2. 2RENOVATE: Plant trees and add green space to the parking lot to break up asphalt; re-pave
    3. 3RENOVATE: Modernize building exteriors: lighting, flat roof, covered walkway
    4. 4RENOVATE: Install modern signage to attract vehicular visitors; introduce a wayfinding strategy
    1. 1Multifamily Residential Wrap: ±370 units / ±740 parking spaces
    2. 2Townhomes: 74 units*
      • *Northern portion of the site would need to be rezoned to allow townhomes
    3. 3Retail: ± 34,000 GSF / ±170 spaces
      • *Scenarios are roughly based on what could be accomplished by right – layouts and tabulations represent a mix of industry standards and the development standards found in the Zoning Ordinance. Scenarios are conceptual and are for illustrative purposes only.
    • Overview
    • Low-Medium Impact Strategies (Option 1)
    • Low-Medium Impact Strategies (Option 2)
    • Long-Term Redevelopment Scenario


    1. ANearby streams and stormwater infrastructure may impact buildable area for redevelopment
    2. BLimited vehicular access from Branch Avenue
    3. CProximity to existing, in-use serving and loading areas


    1. AProximity to residential neighborhoods
    2. BWooded area to the north of the site
    3. CProximity to the shopping center
    4. DGood visibility of Branch Avenue
    5. EOpportunity to repurpose or re-tenant existing box
    1. 1RENOVATE: Modernize the building exterior, remove the previous branding
    2. 2RENOVATE: Plant trees and add green space to the parking lot to break up asphalt, re-pave
    3. 3RENOVATE: Update signage and wayfinding to improve visibility and site access
    4. 4REPURPOSE: or re-tenant existing building
    1. 1REPROGRAM: Paint mural: adds color and personality to the building
    2. 2REPROGRAM: Expand the sidewalk, add lighting, outdoor seating/gathering space
    3. 3RENOVATE: Modernize the building exterior, remove the previous branding
    4. 4RENOVATE: Plant trees and add green space to the parking lot to break up asphalt; re-pave
    5. 5RETROFIT: Partially demolish the building to create inline retail or specialty food and beverage, or completely remove the building entirely for public space intervention (open space)
    1. 1Townhouse: 57 units